sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

The Spanish Revolution

I want to apologize to my english speaker's friends for not updating them in my entrances on facebook.  Here is a page just dedicated to you, explaining what's going on in Madrid and the rest of Spain right now.

On Sunday the May the 15th there was a demonstration called: Democracia Real YA! (Real Democracy NOW!).  After the demonstration some young people stay a bit longer and suddenly started talking about getting together and camp until May 22nd, when the municipal and regional elections happen in Spain.  That same night nineteen of them were taken by the police and the movement of 'los indignados' (the indignant) decided to raise their voices and make 'Puerta del Sol' (a main plaza in Madrid) their home.
In two days this group of people was multiplied and they organized themselves in a horizontal way, meaning that there is no hierarchy.  On tuesday there was already some commissions taken care of the young republica which was governing the plaza.  By thursday these commissions were multiply and they even had a library, daycare, small clinic, and all this totally improvised under the main statue of the plaza.  

What we want is a social change, no more political bipartite, new electoral laws that give chance to the small parties, a society with more social meaning, no more political corruption, transparent political campaigns and how they are financed, jobs for everyone or not more than 5% of unemployment, and many more social oriented changes.

Spain has 40% of youth unemployment and more than 5 million unemployed.  Our two main parties, PP the right and PSOE the left, keeps getting in financial scandals (corruption) and no one can say anything. WE ARE PISSED OFF and finally we are raising our voices together and we have one thing clear: WE DO NOT WANT THEM ANYMORE, and we know how powerful we are.

This amazing social revolution (not a single fight yet, it is all pacifist and more then that, we both right or left voters, got together and hold hands for one same cause: we need a change and we want it now) started from the internet and now more than 50 cities in Spain and all main capitals in Europe and other European cities, and other cities around the world, are getting together and protesting for a social change. 
Last night at midnight there was more than 25,000 people in the plaza, near by plazas and streets.

In our own small society, in the plaza, people from all over Madrid comes and helps, gives food, drinks (alcohol is not permitted), gives internet so we can inform...it is definitely a social phenomenon that I've never seen in my life before.  

We need a social change all over the world and I think we can if we all come together and tell our leaders that enough is enough.  They cannot keep lying to us, getting in wars without our authorization (it is our money that they are spending and the money of our kids), being corrupts, sell weapons to other countries so they can kill each other! NO MORE AND WE HAVE THE POWER TO STOP THEM NOW!     

To see pics of the revolution and a video go to my facebook:  mariano abello

For more info in different languages you can try:
facebook: spanishrevolution